
Pros And Cons Of Composite Resin Fillings, Crowns, And Bonds

Composite resin is a malleable dental material made of finely milled plastic and glass tinted a natural tooth color. The material is used in a variety of general and cosmetic dentistry restoration methods including dental fillings, dental crowns, and dental bonds. There are other materials available in each of these categories but there are some pros – and cons – of choosing composite resin compared to those materials. What are some of the pros and cons of choosing composite resin for your fillings, crowns, or bonds?

Why Are Your Infant's Teeth Discolored?

Teeth are supposed to be white. So when teeth start to discolor, you start to wonder why and how you can change it. Any darkness could be a sign that there is something wrong, especially when it comes to an infant's set of teeth. Here are the main reasons for teeth discoloration in children. Not Brushing Enough One of the most common problems is inadequate brushing. You may not have set up a routine for your child or may have allowed them to do it by themselves, which can result in negligence.

Can Stress Impact Your Oral Health?

Stress can affect your health in a number of ways, including loss of hair and high blood pressure. What some people do not realize is that stress can have an impact on your oral health, too. If you are experiencing stress, here is what you need to know.  How Does Stress Impact Oral Health? Stress can wreak havoc on your oral health in a number of ways. One possible consequence of being stressed is teeth grinding.

3 Things You Do To Help Your Teeth Last A Lifetime

If you are concerned about the possibility of losing your teeth, there are multiple protective measures that you can take to help ensure that your teeth last a lifetime. Here are a few of them: Don't smoke. Smoking is associated with multiple dental health issues. Substances in tobacco irritate the sensitive soft tissues of the mouth and make it difficult for wounds to heal quickly and properly. In addition, smoking impairs circulation and restricts the amount of oxygen that is present in the blood.

3 Reasons Why A Dental Implant May Fail

A dental implant is designed to last just as long as a natural tooth in your mouth. However, there are instances in which a dental implant may fail. If failure does occur, the patient may have to undergo the entire implantation procedure over again. Here are a few reasons that a dental implant may fail: Too Much Mechanical Pressure If a dental implant experiences too much pressure, it can eventually be forced out of position.

How To Whiten Light And Deep Dental Stains

There multiple ways to correct dental discoloration. If you suffer from teeth that are yellowed or darkened, there are ways improve the look of your teeth. Here are a few ways to correct dental discoloration based on the degree of darkening from which you suffer: Light Dental Staining Light dental staining can be improved by natural methods as well as by teeth-whitening toothpaste.  Baking Soda and Peroxide Baking soda and peroxide can be mixed to form a paste that can whiten your teeth.

An Introduction To Root Canals

If you have been having dental problems, then your dentist might have recommended a root canal. If you aren't sure exactly what a root canal entails, then you might be a bit apprehensive. However, you don't have anything to worry about, since a root canal is a quick and effective procedure that will greatly improve your quality of life. What is a root canal? A root canal is the extraction of infected dental pulp from a tooth.

3 Potential Surgical Removal Steps For A Difficult Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is generally a straightforward procedure that only involves the dentist cutting into the gums and roots, removing the tooth and associated materials, and then allowing the area to heal up over time. But extractions can sometimes become more complicated due to a variety of factors including the position of the tooth or the condition of the underlying bone. In these more difficult cases, your dentist might need to add a couple of additional steps to the surgical removal of the tooth.

First Trip To The Pediatric Dentist: 4 Tips For Reducing Unnecessary Fear

When it comes to your oral care routine, going to the dentist every six months is crucial. The same can be said for your children. The dentist examines the teeth and performs an extensive cleaning that will successfully remove any plaque build-up that has accumulated since your last appointment. Although going to the dentist for a routine exam and cleaning is simple and straightforward for you, it doesn't mean that your child is going to feel the same way.

Important Nutrients For Recovering From Dental Implant Surgery

Eating properly and providing your body with the necessary nutrients after dental implant surgery will maximize the chances that your operation is successful. A well balanced diet is imperative to optimizing your health and bouncing back as quickly as possible from any surgical procedure. In the case of dental implant surgery, minimizing one's chances for developing periodontal disease is one of the most important goals. Periodontal disease can lead to dental implant failure if it is present after the procedure.